Sunday, October 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by phalston.
Napa was an excellent place to spend our honeymoon. We have too many picutres to post but I would like the show off the toast. We both want to again thank our family and friends for the love, support, and presents. We hope that each of you will visit and share all the wine that we bought.

Little Chapel of Flowers

Originally uploaded by phalston.
Just in case you were wondering if it was really a Vegas Wedding...The photographer in standing on the sidewalk of Las Vegas Blvd and we are facing an Eckerd.


Originally uploaded by phalston.
I promised to get pictures of the wedding on the web so here I go. First of all, I would like to catch everyone up on what has happened in my life in the past month. I turned thirty recently and now I have an excuse as to why my knees pop and I am losng my hair. The Bachelor/ Birthday party was great. Thanks to all especially for the T-Shirt from Erin. I will post a picture whenever Sean sends it. So then I quit my job at UNC. It is great to start anew here in Charlotte but I already miss my friends and fam in RDU. So then off to get married...

Nothing is less romantic than going to a courthouse in a major US city to get a marriage license. Jayne wasn't pregnant and I was not getting deported so we felt a little out of place. But later we got to dress up and have the ceremony. I am glad so many of you got to watch it live or slightly delayed. I will figure a way to post the video someday. I have the DVD if anyone wants to see it.

Here are some pictures of Vegas and the Wedding....Enjoy.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Originally uploaded by phalston.
While in Vegas...We had to see at least one Elvis. There were fifty there this night on the Old Strip.

NYNY Hotel and Casino

Originally uploaded by phalston.
I promised here you go...Here is the Hotel we stayed in. If you go to Vegas, do NOT stay here. See the roller coaster? Right outside of the window. Stay at Paris or save up stay at the Bellagio or Wynn. Just my two cents...