Ever wonder the difference between the Sunnis and Shia but you don't want to do the research? I got the break down from Canadian friend. I was also too lazy to summarize our conversation, but I did clean up the worst of the typos and take out some of the idle disc golf banter. Enjoy!
Session Start (phalston:canada): Thu Jun 08 09:42:59 2006
[09:42] canada: they ca[u]ght another terrorist in an election year
[09:43] canada: first sadaam, miraculously
[09:43] canada: in 2 years they will need osama
[09:43] canada: he is safe until then
[09:43] phalston: and gay marriage is bad again...
[09:43] phalston: smells like spin
[09:43] canada: on even numbered years, let us be reminded that the government is an agent of God
[09:44] phalston: I am going to quote you on that
[09:44] canada: might as well ban dating as well
[09:44] phalston: hey we are not Iran
[09:44] canada: but if the government can decide th[a]t God has defined marriage for the secular country
[09:45] phalston: Did you know there were 500,000 Iranian living S. California
[09:45] canada: beverly hills baby
[09:45] phalston: I had no idea...
[09:45] canada: not many know that iranians are not considered arab
[09:46] phalston: what?
[09:46] canada: theyre like a bosnia tacked on t[he] side o[f] europe
[09:46] phalston: really?
[09:46] canada: not even the same language
[09:47] phalston: which language?
[09:47] canada: farsi/persian
[09:47] canada: its not arabic you hear on the sound bites
[09:47] canada: few heavy H or KH sounds
[09:47] canada: religion is slightly diff as well
[09:47] canada: hence the sunni shia crap
[09:48] canada: only Shia country around
[09:48] phalston: I don't remember the diff
[09:48] canada: youve heard of the prophet muhammad
[09:48] canada: no shia sunni during the life of
[09:49] canada: upon death, a question arose, who would be the leader fo the religion.. the guy who keeps it flourishing
[09:50] phalston: okay
[09:50] canada: one side said that the companions (Khalifs) who were the closest and most knowledgable fiends and observers of the prophet
[09:50] canada: the other side said that it should be a bloodline
[09:50] canada: i.e. the cousin of the prophet, Ali
[09:51] canada: the khalif group faught a battle/war with the Ali group
[09:51] canada: Ali was beheaded in the fight
[09:51] canada: khalifs won
[09:51] canada: Khalifs served as a type of "pope" for about 7 successions then the concept faded
[09:52] canada: on the side, in a separate exiled place, the Ali group decided to follow their leader based on bloodline still
[09:52] canada: the [A]li group became Shia
[09:52] canada: the Khalif Group became sunni
[09:52] canada: Sunni now 80% of islam, Sha about 20% of islam
[09:53] canada: shia = iran, most of iraq
[09:53] canada: sunni = saudi, jordan,
[09:53] canada: pakistan = split
[09:53] canada: and so on
[09:53] canada: sadaam = sunni, while rest of iraq = shia.. hence the violence it is payback
[09:53] phalston: diff in beliefs?
[09:54] canada: the only believe is not in the message, or the practice, it was who you followed generations back
[09:54] canada: i.e. my grand pappy voted for Kerry, and yours voted for bush
[09:54] canada: slight differences in belief developed
[09:55] canada: shia believe that Ali, the guy who was beheaded will arise again and lead them to victory over someone
[09:55] canada: the emphasis was shifted off the prophet, who is the main guy, onto his cousin
[09:56] phalston: that sounds blasph[e]mous?
[09:56] canada: you ever seen images of people doing self mutilation in the streets ?
[09:56] phalston: yeah
[09:56] canada: shia.. trying to prove they are close to ali in suffering
[09:56] canada: every year on th[e] ann[i]versary of the death, they tell the story of the battle, the same story
[09:57] canada: the men and women wail, scream, cry as if it happened this morning... to prove that they are close to him
[09:57] canada: in a way he become[s] a saint
[09:57] phalston: so the "insurgency" is Sunni?
[09:57] canada: thats what they say i dont get it
[09:58] phalston: well it would explain why they don't seem to care who they kill if most are Shia
[09:58] canada: unless it is sunni sadaam employees who are tryin to restore the small 20[%] sunni population back to power as sadaam had given them
[09:58] canada: other than the ali thing
[09:58] canada: were the same
[09:58] canada: same book
[09:59] canada: same belies in God
[09:59] canada: same beliefs in the Prophet
Actual Work being Done...
[10:08] phalston: How does the Taliban fit in?
[10:08] canada: relig[i]ous zealots who managed to find a we[a]k country to run
[10:09] canada: imagine of pat robertson decided to run for governor of alabama
[10:09] canada: say he wins
[10:09] canada: in a more corrupt system, he would gain momentum riding on the christian ideals that suit him
[10:09] phalston: ahh, but are they sunni, shia or just something else
[10:10] canada: the "else" catagory is only 5% .. insignificant
[10:10] canada: afghanistan borders iran, i bet its mixed
[10:10] phalston: taliban is mixed?
[10:13] canada: i thi[n]k it is iran supported
[10:13] canada: im not sure
[10:13] phalston: Ah, so side project to see if they can have pure religious state...
[10:14] canada: the thing about afghanistan is that so many warriors or "Jihadhi" were in teh country since hte 80's, the taliban is litterally a mercinary group with nobody to fight
[10:14] canada: they faught the USSR for years
[10:14] canada: one thing you gotta k[n]ow about shia, i[s] they are capable of cutting themselves with swords.... from the age of 13, youre messing with people who have no fear of death
[10:15] canada: they scared of the russians, who left a po[w]er vac[c]uum
[10:15] canada: but you see then, the taliban werent considered Terroristic Islamic Fundamentalists
[10:15] canada: then they were US allies in the fight v the Soviets
[10:16] phalston: so you are?
[10:16] canada: sunni
[10:16] canada: sunni / shia intermarry all the time
[10:17] canada: the diff isnt substantial among intelligent people
[10:17] phalston: so in a normal day, yo[ur] shia buddies don't say "[Y]ou know Ali will be back" and punch you in the ribs
[10:18] phalston: ?
[10:18] canada: hehe
[10:18] canada: non issue