I started training for a marathon. I ran a half marathon a couple years ago. I thought it was time to get the whole thing over with so I could get rid of my masochistic fascination with running long distances on stubby legs with bad lungs. Also I needed something to blog.
I chose the SunTrust Richmond Marathon. I run in Richmond a couple times a year when I visit my in laws and the run down Monument Drive is all historic and such. Until you hit the river, it is a graceful hill either up or down. Of course ,26.2 miles is lot longer than the 5 mile runs I have been on in on my long weekends so training has begun. In addition to the location, the SunTrust Richmond Marathon has Donate Life as its official charity.
"Donate Life is a program of the non-profit agencies UNOS and LifeNet."
These are charities that support organ and tissue donation. I have been listed as an organ donor since getting my drivers license and never thought much about it. I assumed everyone did this. After speaking to several people, I realized that there are strong albeit irrational opinions about not donating. I think it is a waste to not donate something that you are no longer using to someone who cannot live without it. If you would like to contribute to my effort, here is the link to help raise money. Based on my web traffic, this is not going to amount to much, but, as I learning by running 4 times a week, every little bit helps.
FundRaiser/Donation Link: Click here to help support Donate Life
Castle House Birthday Party
There’s a bed and breakfast here in town which Lorelei has always referred
to as the Castle House. For her fifth birthday party Erin had the great
idea to...
13 years ago