Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Public Access Television

Actually, I did not expect that there would be so many people interested in Public Access television. I figured I would be in someone's office or a dark room watching a slide show on public access regulations. I was pleasantly surprised at the turn out of 20+ when I went to orientation for TVACCESS21 here in Charlotte. The staff trainer was knowledgeable and quick to answer questions and offer suggestions. Why am I learning about Public Access Television? I am doing leg work for a friend who would like to get a show on in this market. But after the experience, it gets the mind going to think you could learn to use real equipment and produce content that has your opinions in public view.

The requirements are enough to stop people from coming up off the street and screaming for an hour. But they are not so cost prohibitive as to stop someone interested in the process from taking a few classes over the course of a couple months, completing a few projects, volunteering on other programs, then screaming for an hour. For a one time membership of $25, you can get instruction in control room operations, directing, producing, and basic studio operations. For an a extra $60 -90 per class(4-6 x 3hour sessions) you can get more in depth training in other topics - Screenwriting, Final Cut Pro, Webcasting, etc. I cannot speak to the caliber or rigor of the instruction but the price is right to get training in something that everyone on the Internet is doing so poorly.

Of course, you supply the crew and they all have to become members and go through the free classes. So it pays to make friends with others who may be recording before or after you, in case you need to someone certified to run a camera or direct the action.

All in all, an interesting evening. Check out the for public radio and television in action.

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