Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Old and fat...

So there comes a time in every man's life when you realize that:

"No, she was not checking you out. "
You cannot bench press your body weight.
You are not the young, hip guy at work. (Note: Never was hip. Who says they are hip? Unhip people.)
And you are not just a month-of-working-out-away from running a sub 6min mile.

Today is that day for me. I do not plan to use this post to gripe or resolve, just to state:

"I am old and fat. Hello world."

I don't plan to stay this way just as I did not plan to get this way. Yet here I sit without the strength to move. Because after months and months of inactivity, I decided to go mountain biking. I rushed out right after work to hit the trail. A trail ranked 4 of 5 in difficulty. A trail I swore to get better before I went on again - two years ago. It started out okay. I was darting between trees, with birds chirping, thinking, "I will do this every sunny day until I die." Then after a scary downhill and a couple quick uphill climbs, I lose my momentum and just want to make it back to the car. All in all, I managed to fall twice (over the handlebars) and walked my bike a lot. (Yep, bleeding as I type this.) But I did get up, and I did pedal out. So there.

I think the biggest disappointment was my stamina, I can usually blame childhood asthma or my stumpy legs, but this time I just plain gave out. Someday I will look back on this and smile that I was impetuous enough to even ride a bike in the woods. Today, though, I simply feel humble and weak.

I don't post often and this post is also pretty weak. I do know my audience and he will think this is hilarious.

Renny Park on Tyvola Rd., Charlotte, NC
