Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Known but just now Realized Creepy Revelation

Check out Here you can step back through your Google searches to enlighten or embarrass yourself. In past searches, I have needed to find homepathic flea remedies (for the dogs), various IT related searches on which my job depends, and it seems I cannot spell even the simplest of words - masculine. (No Jokes.) While I knew that Google was retaining search information, I never wanted thought I could be faced with it so easily. I envisioned long court battles and special prosecutors who would only receive blacked out versions of the most relevant bits of my online life. Now I am faced with the ability to retrospectively review my late night lookups whenever I want or don't.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Windows XP Tip: Search AD Shortcut

Looking up people in Active Directory can be really useful especially when you are new to an organization. This was readily available in 2000 so obviously it should be complicated in XP?!? So not must to say here just a link to give you some functionality that you thought you already had.
